Face Mapping: What Does Acne Reveal About Your Health?

When a pimple appears we immediately think to aesthetic problems: how to make that giant and disgusting pimple disappear? Well, that’s something we do just to look flawless, but have you ever think that acne is the way our body speaks to us? Most of the time, skin communicate with us in the name of our internal organs.

Matching Ayurveda with ancient Chinese medicine, dermatologists concluded that our skin is the perfect map to our internal disorders.

Think that your face is a map, and pimples are “X” s on it. Each “X” corresponds to a different internal problem. Based on this “map”, you can find out the real causes of your acne appearance and you can get rid of them once and for all.

So, when you want to get rid of acne, don’t treat the problem on the surface, and dig deeper, because you might have another problem.

Below is an explanation for pimples or other skin problems, depending on the area they appear.

Zone 1 & 3: Digestive System – you have to eat less processed food or junk food, reduce fats from your diet and drink plenty of water or eat fruits and vegetables rich in water, such as cucumbers or watermelon.

Zone 2: Liver – You have to consume less alcohol, fats and dairy products. This area indicates food allergies, so it would be indicated to make some analyses. Besides, you should exercise 30 minutes per day and sleep enough, so your liver may rest.

Zone 4 & 10: Kidneys – Make sure you’re sufficiently hydrated, and consume less sodas, coffee and alcohol, because they contribute to dehydration.

Zone 5 & 9: Respiratory tract – Smokers or those who have allergies this is the area where pimples appear. If you are not a smoker nor have allergies, and you still have pimples in that area, you have to reduce sugar consumption and take long walks. Also, try to keep your body as alkali, avoiding foods that make it unbalanced and acid (meat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar). Add as many alkaline foods in your daily menu, such as green vegetables or fresh wheat juice.

Zone 6 & 8: Kidneys – this area also indicate kidney problems. Any problem around the eyes (including dark circles) indicates dehydration. Drink more water!

Zone 7: Heart – check your blood pressure and vitamin B levels. Eat less spicy foods, less meat and take long walks in nature. Also look for solutions to lower your cholesterol, such as replacing “bad” fats with “good” fats, like Omega 3 and 6, which are found in nuts, avocados, fish and flaxseed. In addition, given that this area has dilated pores, don’t use cosmetics that irritate your skin, or worse, over the expiration date.

Zone 11 & 13: Hormones – This is the representative area for stress and hormonal changes. And although sometimes you can’t avoid, you can diminish their effect if you get more sleep, drink plenty of water, ate green vegetables and keeping your skin clean. Another interesting thing is that pimples in this area indicate the ovulation period and which ovary (left or right) is responsible for the process.

Zone 12: Stomach – Eat more fiber, reduce toxins intake and drink herbal teas to improve your digestion.

Zone 14: An infection in your body – Pimples in this area indicate that your body is fighting with bacteria to prevent a disease. You should make some analyses, and sleep more, follow a course of yoga, breathe deeply several times a day, drink enough water and stop worrying!

Face Mapping: What Does Acne Reveal About Your Health? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: AnDrew Alvin